Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

Important Information

We would like to reassure all of our members that we are operating with COVID safe plans in place.

Please read the following important information regarding COVID-19 Coronavirus

The Centre is working to ensure the health and safety of all patrons and staff is maintained. We want to address the growing fears around the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and share with you the information we have at the current time.

The health and safety of our community is our main priority, we always uphold a high standard of hygiene within the centre, however are taking extra precautions during this time.

We hope you will do what you can to take care of yourself and those around you, we also encourage you to use and support our community facility with confidence when it is safe to do so.

Please see the latest update on the situation below.

Opening Hours


Normal hours

Update - 24/03/2021

Update. Eased restrictions and Check-In requirements 

In line with the announcement from the VIC Government, from 6pm on Friday 26 March, Victoria will further relax its COVIDSafe Settings. 

Face masks will no longer be required in retail settings but Victorians will still need to carry one with them at all times. 

There will no longer be limits on capacity (other than 1 per 2sqm density quotient). Please check our website for operating and timetable updates. 

As required by the VIC Government, we must manage Check-In and Out for Contact Tracing record keeping. 

What does this mean for you and us? 

  • Pen and paper contract tracing methods are no longer a suitable form of contact tracing 
  • All members, staff and visitors should Check in using the Services Vic app 

How to use the Services Vic app? 

  • The free Services Vic app is available for download from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. 
  • You should use the Services Vic app each time you enter and exit our facility 

If you do not have a smartphone or are unable to use one, others in your group can check in for you or staff at the premises will be able to check you in manually. 

For more information and FAQs, CLICK HERE 

Our Centre’s COVIDSafe initiatives and practices are still in place to ensure a safe experience in our venue. This includes the use and provision of hand sanitiser stations, social distancing measures and revisions to our classes to cater for capacity restrictions.  

Click HERE for information from VIC Govt. 

Thank you for your cooperation as we work to stay COVID-Safe.

Frequently Asked Questions Expand all

What are we doing to minimise health risks in-Centre?

Once the Centre reopens we will be taking extra precautions with the health and safety of our visitors and workers. The Centre will be vigilant in implementing infection control procedures including daily cleaning in accordance with normal protocols, the promotion of healthy hygiene habits and will make hand sanitiser available for staff and patrons to use while using the Centre.

What information and advice will help our members?

For now, the best advice is to follow some simple steps to help slow the spread of the virus and to reduce the risk of infection.

Follow the information and tips to help improve your safety and wellbeing, from Department of Health website

If I have or am undergoing a period of self-isolation, what happens to my membership?

If you are showing symptoms or have been recommended by a Health Professional to self isolate, you should be staying at home and minimising contact with others.  Please contact the Centre team to discuss managing your membership where you are uncertain of your options.

TripAdvisor Panel

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